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Development Of CommunicationTools

on July 18, 2013


At this day and age of communication is no longer a difficult thing. We can communicate easily with the use of communication tools that exist for example: we do not need to meet in person with someone if we want to convey something, but we can deliver it via sms, phone, e-mail, internet, and others.
            However, we HAVE to think how communication in ancient times? What are the tools that are used as a medium of communication? How is the development of communication from prehistoric times to modern times?
            From age to age and the way humans have different communication tools according to the development of science and technology of its time. Advances in science and technology has made communication of different models.
            Beginning in prehistoric times, in those days people not familiar with writing. They live is still very dependent on nature. Communication in those days usually done by using signs, gestures, symbols, and others. In addition, people also describe the information they obtain in the cave walls like hunting and prey results.
            With the end of the prehistoric period came to be known historical times. At that time humans have known the writing. People began to use written language as a communication tool. Communication tool used at that time are: bark, bamboo skin, animal bones, stone slabs, as well as palm leaves. Historians often find historical relics in the form of inscriptions carved on stone slabs. Inscription is a source of history written in stone or metal made under the command of a local ruler. Inscription is considered as the most important historical source because it can provide a chronology of events.
            Furthermore, the development of communication in the modern era. At this age of communication greatly influenced the development of cutting edge technology. A wide range of communication tools such as found in this period: the telegraph, telephone, radio, television, and internet.
Thus, perkembanagan communication tools from time to time is very significant. Starting from the conventional ways of communicating to the discovery of a wide range of sophisticated communication tools by scientists. Maybe in the future will be born a new communication tools are more sophisticated that we can create.

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